"Sweet Limes and Clementines in a Yellow Bowl"20"x16" oil on wrapped canvas.Catalog# 970Available"Copper Kettle"14"x11" oil on linen boardCatalog# 945Available from A.Space Gallery adotspace.com"Lemons on a White Cloth"20"x16" plein air oil on canvasCatalog# 919Available"Oranges with Tea Cup and Copper Kettle"24"x24" studio oil on wrapped canvasCatalog# 882Available from A.Space Gallery, Menlo Park. adotspace.com"Pears in a Patterned Bowl"14"x11" studio oil on canvasCatalog# 881Available"Old Tea Pot"12"x9" studio oil on canvasCatalog# 874Available"Tea Cup with Brass Tea Pot"14"x11" studio oil on canvas boardCatalog# 871Available from A.Space Gallery, Menlo Park. adotspace.com"Lemons in a Blue Bowl"14"x11" studio oil on canvas boardCatalog# 877Available from A.Space Gallery adotspace.com"Lemonade"20"x16" studio oil on canvasCatalog# 879Private Collection"Pears on a Patterned Plate"14"x11" studio oil on canvas boardCatalog# 880Available from A.Space Gallery adotspace.com"Sliced Orange in a Bowl"14"x11" studio oil on canvas boardCatalog# 867Available"Orange and Lemons with Antique Bowl"14"x11" oil on canvas boardCatalog# 866Private Collection"Sunflowers in the Studio"14"x11" studio oil on canvas boardCatalog# 862Available"Persimmons in a Handmade Bowl"12"x9" studio oil on canvas boardCatalog# 778Available"Persimmons in a Bowl"12"x9" studio oil on canvas boardCatalog# 776Available"Tangerines in a Light Blue Bowl"14"x11" oil on canvas.Catalog# 907Private Collection"Persimmons Study"14"x11" oil on board. Catalog #772.Available from A.Space Gallery, Menlo Park.