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ROBERT LEWIS Oils on Canvas




Angel G
Robert Lewis
30 X 48
Oil on Canvas
Catalog# 183
Price upon request.
The angel, “G”, is not so much praying as considering or thinking. But then, isn’t an angel’s thought really a prayer? It has been said that the early Christian church may have changed the gender of Gabriella, creating a new angel, Gabriel. Hence the genderless title. But, of course, angels are sexless. They represent a direct channel to God, so, in purely Christian terms, they can be thought of as the Holy Spirit in action. This painting anticipates the moment before the Holy Spirit acts. Looking at this painting, we can wonder what act follows the moment portrayed here. Is the Holy Spirit about to act in our own life?
This large studio painting is done in monochromatic blues with undertones of red.

Available from the artist Robert Lewis. Contact the artist directly.