Original Oil Paintings by Robert Lewis

Many of these original oil paintings by Robert Lewis are available to collectors.

This is an ongoing project, painting the landscapes of the Salinas Valley farmland, and is the focus of much of my time. The more I paint in the valley, the more subjects I see. So who knows when this project ends, but I will try to have an exhibition of the best ones when that time comes. Read my description of the project and several of the finished paintings here.

View a curated group of still-life oil paintings. Painting still-lifes is one of my favorite things to do, and when I get to old to paint outdoors I plan to focus on plates, cups, bowls, flowers, and fruit.

Mediterranean Villa in Pacific Grove

View a short, curated group of landscape oil paintings. Virtually all of my paintings are under the category of landscape. The small selection here gives a sense of the varied subjects I am drawn to.

Mediterranean Villa in Pacific Grove

Beach and Patio Umbrella Paintings

View a short, curated group of umbrella and beach oil paintings. Umbrellas are a happy subject, always lightening up a scene, similar to balloons but far more useful. An umbrella isn’t just for shade. It is a temporary shelter that defines a small place where one can rest and chat.

Mediterranean Villa in Pacific Grove

View a short, curated group of pine tree oil paintings. Pine trees are like good brothers, always there for you, strong, reliable, and fun. They are also beautiful.

Mediterranean Villa in Pacific Grove

View a short, curated group of one of my favorite studio subjects, nocturne oil paintings. I’ve always thought the moonlight brushing the pine trees has a clarifying feeling. I see the sun reflecting its light off of the moon into a dark forest.

Mediterranean Villa in Pacific Grove

View a collection of what I call “lyrical” oil paintings. I use the word because the paintings move away from realism toward poetry. Paintings with a lyrical sense are like going on vacation from regular painting.